
Ways of Whitening Your Teeth with What You Eat and Drink

Posted on 12/20/2018 by Dr. Leary
Ways of Whitening Your Teeth with What You Eat and DrinkProfessional teeth whitening is always going to be the best way to get your pearly whites back to their original shade, but there are a few other things you can do to help keep your teeth white and get rid of some minor stains.

Eating and drinking some of the things on this list will actually do that. Here are some foods and drinks that actually whiten your teeth.

Tart Fruits

Any tart fruit, including pineapples and oranges, stimulate the production of saliva in your mouth. Saliva washes your teeth, removing any stains along with the bacteria that cause cavities. Just watch out for lemons—they may be tart, but they're also incredibly acidic. Too much of that and you'll actually damage your teeth.

Carrots and Celery

These two vegetables not only make great snacks, but they also keep your teeth white. Like tart fruits, celery and carrots increase the amount of saliva your mouth produces. Biting into them also helps to clean the teeth, plus they will help keep your breath clean.


Strawberries may seem like a strange food to be on this list—after all, their red juices tend to stain white clothing. However, they actually clean teeth thanks to the malic acid they contain. If you don't really want to eat strawberries that often, you can make a paste from them and put it on your teeth. Just mash them up, rub them on your teeth, and wait for about five minutes. Then wash them off and see if you notice any difference.

Dairy Products

Some other good options to keep your teeth white and fresh include cheese, yogurt, and milk. These dairy products contain lactic acid, a substance that studies have shown can help teeth.

Remember that your diet alone won't keep your teeth perfectly white, especially if you often drink coffee, tea, or soda. Call us today if you want to get your teeth back to that gorgeous shade of white everyone loves.
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