
Why You Should Visit Us Twice Each Year

Posted on 12/20/2019 by Dr. Leary
Why You Should Visit Us Twice Each YearWe all have busy schedules and therefore finding time for dental appointments can prove to be quite tricky. While this is the case, it's important to remember that a dentist plays a crucial role in your life when it comes to maintaining your overall dental health. As a leading dental practice, we highly recommend visiting us at least twice every year.

Why You Should Visit Us Every Six Months

One of the main reasons why you schedule regular dental visits is to avoid various dental issues such as tooth decay. While these issues might appear minor at first, they can eventually lead to significant problems when they are not detected and treated early. Thus, regular dental visits can help you diagnose and find a treatment for these conditions.

Chances are you work extremely hard, such that you forget to brush and floss your teeth at least two times every day. For proper hygiene, it's essential to ensure that we floss and brush our teeth the appropriate way. As experienced dental practitioners, we can show you the appropriate method of flossing and brushing your teeth.

According to a study done by the National Institute of Health, more than 30,000 Americans develop oral cancer every year. The great news is that the early detection of such disorders can save lives. During your scheduled visits, we will conduct an oral cancer screening. While oral cancer is known to spread quickly, we can be able to counter it when detected early.

There are specific nutritional habits which can result in gum diseases. Apart from exposing our teeth, gum diseases can also result in tooth loss and other dental severe health ailments.

Visiting us at least twice every year is an excellent way of taking care of your teeth and dental health. If you are yet to schedule a dental appointment this year, then visit us as soon as possible so that we can perform a dental examination to establish if there are any underlying issues.
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5440 SW Westgate Dr, Suite 165
Portland, OR 97221

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Opening Hours

Mon - Thurs: 8am - 5pm
Fri -Sun: CLOSED

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(503) 297-1471

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Sylvan Heights Dental, 5440 SW Westgate Drive, Suite 165, Portland, OR 97221 : (503) 297-1471 : : 2/10/2025 : Associated Words: dentist Portland OR :